Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update: Girls' Rooming for Caen and Tuesday Itinerary Switch

I've been emailing back and forth with Tom Q. (our TD) over the past few days, and I now have some news to report.

For one, Tom is handling our rooming arrangements and so far it looks like the rooming list I distributed at our last meeting will work for most locations. However, we did have to do some adjusting at the Caen hotel, l' Hotel Crocus. They did not have quad arrangements available, so I had to adjust the groups of female students to 6 triples and 1 twin room for that night only (instead of 5 quads as planned). Intestingly, the hotel has a Youtube video displaying its accommodations, which I embedded below for your amusement. Note that we will not be staying in the "superior" class rooms...stay tuned for the "standard" ones to get a glimpse of what your room might look like.

The rooming arrangements (for female students) for that night (June 19th), will look like this: Group 1: Michaela, Katy, Nikelle, Group 2: Leigh, Sara, Alyssa, Group 3: Megan, Taylor, Amee, Group 4: Emily, Marah, Meredith, Group 5: Santana, Shawna, Kaera, Group 6: Miranda, Whitney, Nicole, Group 7: Sam P. and Sam S.

Also, because our schedule looked especially packed for the 17th, Tom suggested we move our visit to the Imperial War Museum to our arrival date (the 16th). I agreed, as we want to have plenty of time to take in this museum, which includes exhibits from the First World War to WWII and beyond. So, it looks like we will head off to the Imperial War Museum around 2:30 on Tuesday, June 16th.

And, last but not least, a handy tip from Mr. Kinville: when carrying currency (US dollars) for exchange at exchange bureaus, take care to select bills that are in relatively good shape. He reports that travelers on his Egypt trip earlier this year encountered difficulty exchanging money if it had small tears or was otherwise damaged. If you don't have any "good" bills on hand, he recommends a visit to the bank or a local ATM, as they generally have crisp, undamaged bills.

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