Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Workin' at the Carwash! (This Saturday - August 1)

Thank you to all travelers that have contacted me about the car wash this weekend. Looks like we will have a great crew on hand! Some reminders before I present the list of workers/supplies for your review:

Time/Location: 10 AM - 4PM at the Mega Foods in Chippewa
Attire: Please be aware that all volunteers must be fully dressed (t-shirt, shorts). No swimwear or revealing clothes allowed. It's not that kind of car wash. We want to represent our organization well.

Okay, that being said, here are the folks who have contacted me about working and bringing supplies (if I left anyone out, please let me know!):

Mr. Kinville - (10-4?) nozzle, bucket
Karissa - (10-12) sponges, wash cloths
Matt - (10-2) hose + cart, 3 buckets, 3 sponges
Andrea - (10-4) 2 pails
Melody (10-4)
Dylan + Friend (10-4)
Karlee (10-4)
Kiara & Janine (10-4) buckets, hose + cart, soap, rags
Olivia (10-2) bucket, sponge, towels
Mrs. Welle (10-4)

Hopefully the weather will cooperate with our efforts. If it ends up being ultra-rainy or there is severe weather predicted, I'll reassess and perhaps try to reschedule. Let's hope that doesn't happen, though.

See you Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Welle! I am just wondering how much money I made towards the trip for working there. You can e-mail me at and give me the results. Thanks!

